Membership AutoRenew

Save 20% this year and every year!

What's better than free visits to the dinosaurs, free vouchers, discounts on tickets, and more memories than you can shake a (petrified) stick at? Saving at the same time, of course!

Your card will automatically charge at the 20% off rate each year as your membership expires. Thank you for supporting science and making our mission to educate and engage possible.

If you're a current AutoRenew subscriber, thank you! Completing this purchase will continue your savings in our new AutoRenew portal. You will not be charged in both systems.

$ 40
Member benefits for one senior adult.
Normally $50.

Benefits include:

  • Unlimited free permanent exhibit admission at Hermann Park and Sugar Land
  • Discounted admission to ticketed exhibitions
  • Reduced rates for travel and educational programming
  • Invitations to member events
  • 10% off in the Museum Store
  • Three FREE vouchers - one Butterfly, one Planetarium, and one parking

Benefits valued at $20.


Sub Total

Cover Trx Fees

Need assistance? Call us at (713) 639-4629 or email